All insurance products are sold through Pitch Financial Group and all mutual funds are distributed through Portfolio Strategies Corporation.
Commissions, trailer fees, management fees and expenses may be associated with mutual fund investing. It is important that any mutual fund investor reads the fund facts before investing to ensure they fully understand the product(s) they are purchasing. Mutual funds are not guaranteed investments and their individual unit value changes frequently. Past performance of any mutual fund may not be repeated.
Portfolio Strategies Corporation (PSC) is a registered Mutual Fund Dealer with several Provincial Securities Commissions and as such PSC representatives are entitled to sell mutual funds and other approved securities related products under this registration. In addition, PSC representatives may provide other non-securities related products and/or services to the public through other entities such as their own trade names or companies.
As a member of the Mutual Fund Dealers Association of Canada (MFDA), Portfolio Strategies Corporation is obligated to disclose to you that you may be dealing with companies other than Portfolio Strategies Corporation when purchasing products or services from your PSC representative. Examples of products that your PSC representative (if so qualified) may provide through a separate entity, which would therefore not be the responsibility of Portfolio Strategies Corporation include but are not limited to:
- Insurance related products such as: Life, Accident & Sickness, General, and Health and Welfare Trusts
- Guaranteed Investment Certificates (GICs), Canada Savings Bonds and other Deposit Instruments
- Fee For Service Financial Planning
- Estate Planning Services
- Tax Return Preparation
Please ensure that you have a clear understanding of which company you are dealing with for each of the products and services you purchase. Your representative or Portfolio Strategies Corporation would be happy to provide clarification if necessary.
The information contained in this website is for Canadian Residents only and does not constitute an offer to sell or solicit business in any jurisdiction (foreign and/or Canadian) where PSC or your PSC Representative is not appropriately registered or qualified to do so. Under no circumstances should the content of this website be considered advice and relied upon as a substitute for consultation with a qualified, financial, tax or legal professional.
7030 Woodbine Ave 7030
Markham ON L3R 6G2